Influenza (Chronic or Frequent): Natural Treatment With Breathing and Buteyko Method

- Updated on August 3, 2019

Influenza (Chronic or Frequent): Natural Treatment With Breathing and Buteyko Method 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

woman frequent coughing with untreated flu naturallyA low body-oxygen level that suppresses the immune system is the primary cause in having a persistent flu or chronic influenza. The secondary reason contributing to influenza or cold is getting infected with the virus. Coughs and sneezes are the two things that make this illness contagious, and it will spread because of these two things. Influenza can also be caused by touching an infected person like shaking hands. It takes around 7 days to cure this illness. With a breathing retraining course or by self-practice it can be significantly decreased to 1 or 2 days. Achieving X amount of seconds for the body-oxygen test 24/7 (X can be viewed down below in the bonus content) is required to decrease the duration of influenza and prevent any new flu infections for those who suffer from frequent flu infections.

A high temperature, muscle aches, headache, soreness, and other similar symptoms are typical in patients with influenza. The earliest sign of flu or influenza is fatigue. It becomes extreme when influenza happens. Antibiotics cannot help in treating flu, and painkillers can be used only to alleviate a headache and body pains. Influenza is an airborne disease that is mainly a seasonal epidemic. It causes loss of workdays, mortality and human suffering.

Seasonal influenza epidemics cause around 3 hundred thousand to 5 hundred thousand deaths globally every year. Presently influenza viruses are prevented by the use of vaccination, personal protective measures and antivirus agents. The myth behind flu or influenza is that sweat can eliminate it. It will not make a difference to the recovery time. Exercise during the influenza period by sweating it out can worsen the condition if exercise is done with mouth breathing.

Flu symptoms

Headaches, chills, coughs, weakness are the initial symptoms that fare noticed at initial stages of influenza. In children vomiting, nausea and diarrhea are frequent symptoms at the initial stages of flu or influenza. Typical clinical symptoms of flu or influenza are:

  1. Muscle aches
  2. Cough, sneezing and sore throat
  3. Fatigue
  4. Chills
  5. Fever in between 100 F to 103 F (37 to 38 C) in adults and sometimes it can be even higher in the case of children.

Causes of chronic or frequent influenza

attack of virus on cell causes flu to progressViruses which cause influenza are contagious and can spread from person to person through droplets of respiratory fluids which are sent through the air by a person who was infected with the virus. Overbreathing or hyperventilation allows the conditions for a person’s immune system to be weak chronically creating a ground for frequent influenza infections. Having a weakened immune system allows a person to be infected with influenza. By having a high body-oxygen level, people can prevent and treat frequent or prolonged influenza naturally. This approach requires hard work by breathing retraining and following Dr. Buteyko’s lifestyle points.

A, B, and C are the three families of influenza viruses. Type C is commonly seen in geese, chickens, and other animals. Sometimes it is seen in children. Type B mainly affects humans which causes a milder disease. Between type A, B, and C, Type A is the most severe influenza which mainly affects humans. Sometimes it is even seen on animals which include bird, horses, pigs, and whales. Flu can even become contagious even before the symptoms are noticed.

Complications due to chronic influenza

Influenza may have complications like dehydration, ear infections, bacterial pneumonia, and other complications. In children, ear infections and sinus infections are often seen when they are affected by influenza. If a person has asthma, heart failure and has influenza for an extended period, it may also lead to worsening of their medical condition. Pregnant women and people who are aged above 70 years may severely suffer if influenza is not correctly treated. It may sometimes result in death.

Treat flu naturally with more oxygen in body due to easier nose breathing 24/7

Vaccination is used to limit the severity of the flu. Annual influenza vaccination can prevent most of the illness caused by influenza. Influenza vaccines are used for those patients who suffer more complications because of influenza. Fluzone Intradermal is a new vaccine type approved by FDA in 2011 for adults between the ages of 18-64.

Specific medications can also be used by doctors to limit the complications arising from flu. Antiviral medications such as oseltamivir and zanamivir are medications that can be used to treat the flu. The duration of influenza can be reduced by the use of these medications. Influenza antibodies can prevent influenza. Antibodies can be generated only by vaccinations because influenza viruses may differ from year to year and every year vaccinations could be done according to a person’s state of health. However, nose breathing 24/7 (during sleep and exercise too) is the main natural remedy to prevent flu and create conditions for natural self-immunization.

X seconds is the number needed for the body-oxygen test 24/7 to significantly decrease the recovery time of influenza to 1 or 2 days.

One requires to get over 30 s for the morning CP (body ozygenation) and 24/7 and less than 70 for their heart rate in order to stay free from all symptoms of flu. However, in most cases, even 20+ s for the morning CP is often enough to prevent new infections and recover from the old ones.
