How to Treat Frequent Chest Infections with Breathing Retraining

- Updated on August 3, 2019

How to Treat Frequent Chest Infections with Breathing Retraining 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

One can treat symptoms of persistent chest infections naturally with breathing retraining and inhalation of essential oils during breathing sessions with devices (DIY and Frolov).

Here is a video (below) that explains the main process: How to treat frequent chest and sinus infections– Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov.

Breathing sessions are done up to 2-6 times per day. During sessions, concentrations of essential oils in inhaled air are needed to be kept high all the time. This means that students should add more essential oil every 5-10 minutes when using breathing devices (e.g., the Frolov device or Amazing DIY device).

As a result of this intensive method, breathing students get a considerable relief from lung infections in 1-2 days. This relates to those who had several courses of antibiotics during recent months or years. With this amazing combination remedy (breathing devices + essential oils), in 3-5 days, lungs become clear from viruses, bacteria, and fungi (yeast, mold) that caused an infection and were a source of pollution due to toxins. This quickly leads to higher CP results (breaking through 20 s).

As a result, a persistent cough quickly disappears. There are only rare episodes of coughing up old yellow or green sputum or think phlegm. If this person coughed up blood, this is also eliminated naturally due to fast healing of injured lung areas. When a high temperature (or fever) with a rapid pulse is present, these symptoms are quickly reduced and normalized. The remedy also allows quick treatment of breathlessness and wheezing. Many students report chest pain or chest tightness before starting breathing exercises. All these symptoms also respond very well to breathing retraining and the use of essential oils with breathing devices as inhalers.

Note that this remedy works well against various types of chest infections. The subdivisions suggested by official medicine include lower respiratory tract infection, lower respiratory infection, upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Depending on additional personal factors, treatment for these conditions can be longer, but all of them respond we to breathing devices combined with essential oils.

In this overview, I want to focus on how to deal with persistent or chronic chest infections when students remain stuck at less than 20 seconds morning CP. Unfortunately, in these unusual or rare cases of infections in the chest, this low CP can persist for many months.

In other words, we consider a breathing student who spends up to 1 hour or more on daily breathing exercises, does more than 1 hour of daily physical activity with strictly nasal breathing, but he or she is still unable to have overall CP progress even after weeks or months of diligent practice.

Home remedies for chest infections

It is known to users of the Frolov device and over 400 doctors who teach how to use the Frolov device in Russia that people with inflammation in the throat or other parts of lower airways (bronchi or bronchioles) need to use warm or hot water for their breathing sessions. This water is to be added right before the start of the session (within 1 min or less). Otherwise, the water gets cold.

During the session, since exhalations are slow and long, the water temperature will remain high enough, and this prevents overcooling of airways in most students during inhalations. However, some breathing students still get some coughing when breathing through the device. What can be done in such cases?

1. Make inhalations little slower. Generally, we teach that inhalations with devices should be active or nearly close to maximum intensity, as well as large or maximum in amplitude. As a result, a patient who uses an ordinary Frolov device needs about 1.5-2 seconds for a large or nearly maximum inhalation.

If you suffer from persistent chest infections and get some, even slight, symptoms due to breathing devices, make inhalations slower: about twice longer, or up to 3-4 seconds. This change will dramatically reduce friction and cooling of airways during inhalations.

2. Wrap your Frolov or DIY breathing device in wool or some other fabric to reduce heat exchange and preserve higher water temperature inside the device during the whole session.

3. Rotate various essential oils during different sessions, while applying 2-3 different oils in a single breathing session. More details about types of oils are provided below.

The above ideas relate to breathing sessions. Apart from them, such students need to reduce minute ventilation and intensity of their physical exercise to prevent any signs of exacerbations due to exercise. Just breathing through the nose during all exercise sessions may not be enough for many people with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other conditions. They need to have easier exercise sessions that do not cause any immediate symptoms. This is especially important when the air temperature is low and inhaled air is cold. In such cases, it is wise to use a scarf, or a surgical mask, the Training Mask, or some other methods that help to warm up inhaled air.

Generally, these steps are sufficient for most asthmatics, people with bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and many other conditions to get rid of their chest infections and inflammation in some weeks and up to 2-3 months. For the most difficult cases, there is an ultimate home remedy with the use of vapor inhalation. This remedy is practiced similar to yoga’s bhastrika (fire-breath) while inhaling how water vapor or steam with essential oils.

The ultimate home remedy for a chest infection

Boil a kettle with at least 0.5 and up to 1-2 liters of water. Or you can warm this water to a nearly boiling point of about 90 degrees Celsius. Add 3-5 drops of 2-3 different essential oils inside the kettle. (Make sure that you use those oils that are lighter, by their density, than water so that these oils float on the surface. Otherwise, the oil would sink to the bottom of the kettle and be useless.)

Man inhaling at home hot vapor from a kettle as a remedy for chest infection Cover your head and a top of the kettle with a towel so that you can inhale air vapor with essential oils and breathe continuously without any significant losses of these oils and CO2 that you exhale.

Start to breathe fast (up to 20-30 deep slow breaths per minute) through your mouth, but without CO2 losses in your airways. You want to keep the CO2 level in the lungs about the same as before this procedure if you practice after meals or with solid food in the stomach. If your session is done with an empty stomach, you can get extra benefits if you raise your CO2 in airways.

There two beauties of this method in comparison with using essential oils with breathing devices.
1. Your air temperature is much higher making it totally safe to breathe much more air. There may be even some additional benefits due to increased temperature of inhaled air leading to improved blood circulation (perfusion) of airways.
2. Greatly increased air ventilation (one can have up to 30-60 L per minute during these sessions or more) delivers much more essential oils, while the vapor will be able to reach deeper parts of the lungs and possibly even alveoli.

An additional advantage of this technique is that this ultimate natural home remedy can be used even immediately after meals. Just be careful to avoid the CO2 increase in your lungs if you have food in the stomach. Make sure that air exchange is sufficient enough to prevent relative hypercapnia by adjusting the size of gaps and degree of air exchange. At the same time, always start with gentle inhalations and exhalations to make sure that you do not produce more irritation due to friction created by the air flow. Then gradually increase intensity and minute ventilation. Your goal is to avoid itching in the throat and coughing while providing a higher concentration of essential oils into deeper parts of the lungs. A single session can last from 5 to 15 minutes. You can practice such sessions 3-7 times per day for the more effective elimination of your chest infection.

Which oils to use

Among various essential oils, eucalyptus oil is a known powerful remedy against numerous germs (see this clinical study). Eucalyptus is often used with other oils, such as peppermint and bergamot, to produce the synergetic effect. Basil and rosemary essential oils also showed strong effects against numerous pathogenic strains.

Other popular oils include eucalyptus radiata, lavender, benzoin, clove, marjoram, tea tree, thyme, anise, pine needle, cedarwood myrtle, ravensara, thyme linalool, and frankincense.

Tea tree oil has strong effects, but be careful and avoid too much of it due to the suggested toxicity of large doses.

In special conditions or situations, check suggestions or warnings about oils from medical online sources. For example, peppermint oil should not be used for a small child or an infant. There are also contraindications for pregnant females and people with allergies.

Summary of choices:
– Choice 1 (5 best oils to use): eucalyptus, peppermint, bergamot, basil, rosemary
– Choice 2 (if some of the above are not found): eucalyptus radiata, benzoin, clove, thyme, anise, pine needle, cedarwood myrtle, peppermint, lavender, marjoram, tea tree, ravensara, thyme linalool, and frankincense.

Application process
Find 5 of the above-listed oils. If some of the top 5 are not available, find substitutes in the next choice to get 5 different oils. Rotate these oils so that you have 3 different oils for a breathing session. Use another combination of 3 oils for the next session and so on.

Drop a note below about your questions, suggestions, or experiences with this technique or about various essential oils that you found effective, and all the best with your fight with chest infections.

Or go back to Symptoms of Hyperventilation