Startup Jobs for Assistants, Writers, and Editors: Extra Details

- Updated on August 11, 2024

Startup Jobs for Assistants, Writers, and Editors: Extra Details 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

The main requirements for assistants are listed on this page Startup Jobs for NormalBreathing Assistants. Here are some extra details.

As the main Assistant Job page says, you shall have at least 90 min of breathwork and at least 2 hours of total physical activity (including walking) per day.

Due to the team interests and to focus on doing business, all participants should be disciplined in relation to appointments and common activities. It is better to be 5-10 min earlier for work and classes rather than 1-2 minutes late. The trainings will have 3-warning policy meaning that being late for common activities can result in getting a warning, while 3 warnings can cause a termination of the training.

People working on,,, and can:
– write a 700-word article in 30 min
– produce a new 700-word HTML or WordPress page with on-page SEO and images/videos added in 60 min
– edit a 10-min video with images and titles added in 40-60 min
– proofread a 700-word article in 30 min, and so forth.

Valued (not all necessary – can be learned) skills:
– Active involvement in sports and daily exercise
– Typing, editing, proofreading
– Creative writing of articles, reports, and books
– Use of Microsoft Office or Open Office
– Video creation and editing
– Creation of educational CDs, DVDs, and other digital products
– File conversions
– Design of simple images
– Creation of websites and web pages in WordPress and/or HTML/PHP
– Registration and hosting of domain names and websites
– Submission of videos, articles, files, and books to websites, blogs, aggregates, and platforms (YouTube, Amazon, CreateSpace, etc.)
– Social media promotions
– Online comments
– Backlink building and on-page and off-page SEO.

Common lifestyle changes include these activities: breathe only through the nose, do not sleep on the back, eat only when hungry, maintain correct posture, etc..

During the internship, you will follow our standard group course with 2 individual sessions (nearly one month in duration with about 15 hours of classes in total) and then advanced course (about 8-10 hours) that have been taught to hundreds of students since 2002. All assistants will have our individual attention and will get these lessons while learning in small groups.

Training will take place only if there are 2 or more suitable candidates (assistants and teacher trainees). There will be no office yet for work, classes, and training. Similar training can be organized later in large cities. Details and locations of all trainings are to be discussed with shortlisted candidates.

Q and A about internship
Q: Is there an opportunity to work from home rather than relocate immediately?
A: After the internship, when we have better knowledge of each other and worked for 4-6 months together, it can be possible. We can communicate via emails for projects related to the creation of new web pages, books, and other products.