Types of Breathing Patterns, Graphs, and Body Oxygen

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- Updated on September 15, 2020

Proofread by Samson Hui Proofreader on July **, 2019


Types of Breathing Patterns, Graphs, and Body Oxygen 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

- Medically Reviewed by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD

Types of Breathing Patterns, Graphs, and Body Oxygen

The parameters of breathing patterns (typical minute ventilation or breathing rates, respiratory frequency, body-oxygen levels, duration of inhalations, exhalations, and the automatic pause) all are calculated using medical references from the Homepage and other sources.

The following web pages provide several types of respiratory patterns with typical parameters or values, including durations of inhalations, exhalations, and automatic pauses; minute ventilation; CP or body oxygen content; and respiratory frequency. This section (Breathing Pattern and Body-Oxygen Levels) considers the following types of respiratory patterns or the list of respiratory patterns.

Pages devoted to breathing patterns

Types of Breathing Patterns, Graphs, and Body Oxygen* Normal breathing pattern (in healthy people): What is the type of breathing pattern that is found in healthy or normal people?
* Ineffective breathing patterns (in the sick): What is the respiratory pattern for mildly sick people?
* Heavy breathing patterns in the severely sick: Breathing pattern type in the severely sick and critically ill people
* Ideal breathing pattern: Is there a special “ideal breathing” pattern for super health and ideal body oxygenation?
* Types of breathing patterns: Summary or list of 4 types of regular respiratory breathing patterns and their corresponding body oxygenation
* Irregular breathing pattern and disordered respiratory patterns: What about the body oxygen level in cases of irregular breathing patterns and/or disordered breathing?

These relationships between breathing frequency, body-oxygen test, heart rate or pulse rate, CO2 content in alveoli, could be found using the Buteyko Table of Health Zones, which was created by Dr. K. Buteyko, the author of the Buteyko breathing method.

* Apart from these educational topics, there is a challenge that relates to our poor and limited ability to sense our breathing. This means that the same person may have wide variations in automatic or unconscious breathing without noticing these large changes. This effect is common even for those people who regularly practice breathing exercises. Breath awareness: When do we notice that our respiratory pattern is too deep or heavy?

* The human organism can be considered as a mechanical machine that extracts oxygen from the air and uses it for energy generation. Hence, we can consider the efficiency coefficient of the human body by finding the percentage of oxygen that is trapped by the lungs for different respiratory patterns. Lungs Oxygen Extraction: How efficient are the human lungs in oxygen extraction (depending on the breathing pattern type) for 4 breathing patterns?

Here is a video clip (from www.GoogleVideo.com) about different breathing patterns and their effects on cell oxygenation: “Breathing Patterns and Body-Oxygen Level”.

Breathing patterns predetermine many lifestyle choices. When people have low body oxygen due to overbreathing (as it is the case with over 90% of modern subjects, see the Homepage for charts, studies, numbers, and graphs), they commonly suffer from addictions, low energy, long sleep, poor posture, and other effects. With normal or high body O2, all the same, people make different choices. The Table that is located right below here provides details. It is your bonus content.

Natural lifestyle choices before and after breathing retraining

Lifestyle factor: Body oxygen < 30 s Body oxygen > 50 s
Energy level Medium, low, or very low High
Desire to exercise Not strong, but possible Craving and joy of exercise
Intensive exercise with nose breathing Hard or impossible Easy and effortless
Typical mind states Confusion, anxiety, depression Focus, concentration, clarity
Craving for sugar and junk foods Present Absent
Addictions to smoking, alcohol, and drugs Possible Absent
Desire to eat raw foods Weak and rare Very common and natural
Correct posture Rare and requires efforts Natural and automatic
Sleep Often of poor quality; > 7 hours Excellent quality; < 5 hours naturally

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  1. Breathing Pattern Disorders (From Physio-Pedia.com)
  2. Respiratory Rate and Pattern (From the National Center for Biotechnology Information – NCBI.nlm.nih.gov)
  3. Abnormal Breathing Patterns (From MedCareTips.com)
