How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose (Prevent It Fast)

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- Updated on September 10, 2020

How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose (Prevent It Fast) 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

- Medically Reviewed by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD

How to get rid of a runny nose (plan) How to stop a running nose?

Three crucial steps are shown in this diagram (on the left side).

Not all people get a runny nose due to allergic rhinitis. In more rare cases, a running nose can be due to a brain trauma. In other cases, overuse of nasal sprays can lead to a running nose. Certain other foods (e.g., spices) and other irritants may also trigger this condition. Obviously, the triggers need to be avoided.

How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose (Prevent It Fast)

How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose (Prevent It Fast)
A runny nose and allergies can appear only when one’s body and brain O2 levels are much less than the physiological norm (40 seconds). Usually, it is even less than 20 seconds for the DIY body-O2 test. Tissue hypoxia is caused by ineffective breathing (too fast and heavy breathing). This makes the immune system weak and hypersensitive.

Additional causes of low body and brain O2 are chest breathing (which reduces blood oxygenation) and mouth breathing (which leads to losses of blood levels of CO2 and nitric oxide generated in sinuses).

This video has had a huge positive response. It explains How to Get Rid of a Running Nose – Remedy.

Pinch your nose and walk fast with your nose pinched. (Your mouth should be closed all the time.) You need to get more arterial CO2 to dilate arteries and arterioles (CO2 is the most potent dilator of arteries and arterioles). You will probably make about 15-25 steps. While walking, you should hold your breath until a strong desire to breathe appears.

Afterward, sit down with your spine totally straight. After you release your nose, start reduced breathing (breathing less air than before this exercise). How? Instead of taking your usual big and frequent inhalations, take a smaller inhalation and using the diaphragm only. Then relax all muscles for an exhalation and repeat the cycle. Make another short inhalation and again just relax to exhale. Practice this reduced breathing while remaining relaxed.

How to get rid of a running nose exercise(chart)

Your purpose is to maintain air hunger (shortage of air) for several minutes with total relaxation of body muscles. If your brain and body-O2 levels are low, it is normal that your breath pattern will be frequent during this exercise.

This breathing exercise “how to stop a runny nose” increases brain and body-O2 content by about 3-5 seconds.

If you practice this home remedy for hours every day, you can expect quick health recovery. There are many additional lifestyle changes that help to increase brain and body O2. Study this site for more details.

How to get rid of a running nose during sleep or at night

Woman sleeping with nose breathing You need to lie on your left side or chest and relax all bodily muscles. (Sleeping sitting is even a better option since it causes least problems with a runny nose.) Pinch your nose, hold your breath until air hunger, and then follow the same instructions for reduced breathing as above.

So that your nose does not get runny again, you should increase your body O2, using breathing exercises and lifestyle changes, up to 20 seconds. The same remedy will help you to fall asleep much faster too.

Get rid of running nose for good

Over 120 Soviet and Russian MDs tested and cured thousands of people with asthma, colds, rhinitis and other conditions leading to a runny nose. These doctors found certain criteria of clinical remission for this symptom. (My observations with my students are the same.) Their main requirement (the exact number for the body O2 test in seconds) is hidden as your bonus content.

– If your body-O2 test results are more than 30 s all the time, your immune system will be much stronger, and you will not suffer from colds or the flu.


– If, in addition to the previous condition, you can avoid your allergic triggers for about 2-3 months, then this time should desensitize your immune system to your allergic triggers. Therefore, you can get rid of a runny nose and all your allergies (to tree pollen, cat proteins, and all other triggers).

This is the permanent solution (how to get rid of a runny nose for good) found by medical doctors to permanently solve problems with a runny nose.

Related web pages:
How to tape mouth at night – Mouth taping technique to prevent mouth breathing during sleep
Mouth vs. nose breathing – Medical review of main physiological effects
Sleep positions medical research (26 studies – What is the best way to sleep for maximum body oxygenation?)
How to prevent sleeping on one’s back – Practical techniques and permanent solutions
Clear stuffy nose in 1-2 min – Easy remedy for a permanent solution
Internet lies about ideal sleep positions – Over 90% of internet resources suggest sleeping on one’s back.

Study claims hyperventilation causes sinusitis

Bartley James, Nasal congestion and hyperventilation syndrome, American Journal of Rhinology, 2005 Nov-Dec; vol 19(6): p. 607-11.

Or go back to Hyperventilation symptoms