Sleep Less (4.5 Hours Only) and Better Naturally

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- Updated on September 13, 2020

Sleep Less (4.5 Hours Only) and Better Naturally 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

- Medically Reviewed by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD

Sleep Less (4.5 Hours Only) and Better Naturally

The Table below for breathing parameters and shorter sleep is based on the clinical experience of about two hundred Russian doctors teaching the Buteyko breathing method, as well as yoga data. Lowest sleep duration (maintained for months or years) is about 2 hours naturally. Some of these medical doctors actually had 2 hours of sleep. These MDs have taught thousands of people to increase their body-oxygen levels by breathing slower and less 24/7, during sleep too. This also naturally prevents any signs of being tired.

Body oxygen
test result
of sleep
of sleep
>26 breaths/min <10 s Often >10 hours Often very poor
15-26 breaths/min 10-20 s Often >9 hours Often poor
12-20 breaths/min 20-40 s 6-8 hours Insomnia possible
7-12 breaths/min 40-80 s 4 hours Excellent
5 breaths/min 2 min 3 hours Excellent
3 breaths/min 3 min 2 hours Excellent

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov explains the origins of this Table: how breathing (measured using the body oxygen test or the morning CP) relates to the duration and quality of sleep: Breathing and sleep duration (hours)

Effects of overbreathing on brain oxygen levels My practical observations with hundreds of my students agree with these general observations: slower breathing and higher body-oxygen levels naturally reduce duration of sleep and improve its quality, while improving daily performance and function.

Sleeping for 4.5 hours only (or even less): practice

Ancient hatha yoga manuscripts claim that yoga masters (with over 3 min for the body-oxygen test and about 6-9 minutes for maximum breath holding time) sleep naturally for 2 hours only. These are ideal results. My students who got up to about 60 s for the morning CP test, commonly slept for about 4-5 hours only. With around 30-40 seconds for the morning body O2 test, sleeping about 6 hours is very common. Now we can suggest a scientific explanation to this effect since hatha yoga training is based on slowing down or calming the breath (see Yoga pages).

Hence, in order to sleep less and down to about 4 hours only, naturally, and without any negative effects on the nervous system, one needs to learn how to breathe in accordance with Dr. Buteyko norms for breathing. See Learning section of this site for this breathing retraining program.

Short-term lifestyle factors for shorter sleeping time

In order to get shorter sleep, one needs to understand a difference between short-term lifestyle factors and long-term goals.

Here are key lifestyle factors for sleeping less and better naturally:

How to sleep 4-5-6 hours only (chart) 1. Mouth taping. If your mouth is dry, when you wake up, tape it (see the link below for instructions).

2. Right sleep positions: ideally, sitting, then prone (on the chest) or the left side. Try to avoid the right side and always avoid supine sleep (or on the back) that causes tiredness.

3. Grounding. Earthing provides free electrons for the nerve and muscle cells and dramatically improves quality of sleep in people with sleeping problems.

Sleep Less (4.5 Hours Only) and Better Naturally4. Fewer blankets. Create as cold conditions as possible (just enough to fall asleep). For keeping yourself warmer, use a jacket or coat, but not another blanket.

5. Hard surface. Sleep on a hard surface (e.g., on a wooden floor covered with 1 or 2 layers of a thin blanket).

It is good if you wake up at night feeling uncomfortable due to a too tough surface and cold conditions.

If you do not believe, try the opposite ideas and see the effects: breathe more and through the mouth, sleep on your back, ungrounded, with many warm blankets, and on a very soft bed. I encourage my students to test these ideas in practice.

You can find more information with extra details and a systematic approach to sleep and related lifestyle factors in Dr. Artour Rakhimov’s book “Sleep Better and Less – Naturally“.

In this video (below), Dr. Artour Rakhimov explains “Sleeping Less Naturally“.

Want to know the best sleep position for better and shorter sleep? It provided right below here as your bonus content. It is a position that you would never associate with sleep.

Man sleeping in a chair Find out more about the best sleep positions from the link at the bottom.


Related web pages:
Good Sleep Hygiene Guide: More ideas related to daily lifestyle factors for sleeping less and better
Mouth Taping Instructions
Earthing and How to Ground Yourself
Falling Asleep Fast with an easy reduced breathing exercise
Best Sleep Positions – The same conclusion of all 24 clinical studies on sleep postures will shock many.

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