Best HIV-AIDS Clinical Trial: Defeats HIV Virus Naturally

- Updated on July 31, 2019

Best HIV-AIDS Clinical Trial: Defeats HIV Virus Naturally 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

Isolated HIV-AIDS virus Reduced body oxygen level is a hallmark of pathological changes related to HIV/AIDS as it was reported in many medical articles (Wang et al, 1993; Mootsikapun et al, 1996; Khare & Sharland, 1999; Pellicelli et al, 2001; Zhang et al, 2002; Deshmane et al, 2009; Long et al, 2009). Furthermore, it is an established medical fact that low body-oxygen levels suppress the immune system, promotes inflammation and opportunistic infections amplified by the HIV-AIDS virus. Hence, it is logical to assume that increased body-oxygen content will help to reduce the effects caused by the HIV-AIDS virus.

Doctors and patients Soviet medical doctors had a clinical trial on HIV-AIDS patients in the Kiev Scientific and Research Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases (Ukraine). These MDs applied the Buteyko breathing therapy, as an auxiliary therapy to standard medication, to improve the immune system and increase body-oxygen content.

These doctors discovered that the body-oxygen test (Buteyko control pause test) accurately reflects the stage of the disease and symptoms of the patients and restoration of normal breathing eliminates most pronounced symptoms of the disease. The table indicates the effects of the Buteyko method on the main symptoms that the participants experienced before and after the trial. The breathing technique was used as an additional therapy to standard medical protocols. Here are the translation of the clinical trial and an official letter to the Deputy Minister of Health of Ukrainian SSR


Official report about the clinical trial of the Buteyko method
on AIDS patients in KSRIEID (Kiev Scientific and Research Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases) during the first quarter of 1991

Authors: Drs. Frolov AF, Buteyko KP, Novosselov VA, Fedorchenko SV

During the 1st quarter of 1991, the Buteyko breathing method was tried on 7 HIV-AIDS virus carriers. Two of them had HIV-infection in the Lymphadenopathy stage. The patients were in the following age groups: 1 person – 5 years old; 5 people – 19-40 years old; 1 person – older than 40. According to the gender, there were 3 women and 4 men. The diagnosis of AIDS was confirmed by enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. Approximate duration of being infected with HIV virus was the following: 1 person – 5 years; 3 persons – 2 years; 1 person – 1 year, and 2 persons – 1-4 months. The Buteyko method was accompanied by symptomatic treatment (including vitamins and desensitization drugs), sessions with a psychotherapist, while 1 person was simultaneously undergoing the Sartchuk’s therapy.

All patients completed a 10-day course of the Buteyko method and experienced improvements in their health states: 5 patients on the 2nd or 3rd day of the therapy, and 2 patients on the 5th day of the therapy. In addition, 2 patients experienced the disappearance of acute depression andneurasthenia on the 2nd day of therapy. The results of the application of the Buteyko method are presented in the following table:

No. Symptom Number of
patients with
this symptom
Effects of the
Buteyko Method
The required
period of time
Reduction Disappear. Reduction Disappear.
1 Headache 5 1 4 2 days 5-6 days
2 Lightheadedness 2 2 3 days
3 Emotional instability 4 4 2-3 days
4 Predisposition to crying 3 3 2-3 days
5 Daytime sleepiness 1 1 3 days
6 Insomnia 3 3 2 days
7 Problems with sleep 1 1 3 days
8 Irritability 5 5 2-3 days
9 Possible temper outbursts 3 3 2-3 days
10 Unfounded fears 4 1 4 4 days 2-3 days
11 Apathy 1 1 5 days
12 Muscle twitching 1 1 6 days
13 Quick mental fatigue 1 1 7 days
14 Quick physical fatigue 3 2 1 4-5 days 9 days
15 Blurred vision 1 1 6 days
16 Angina pectoris 5 1 4 1 day 5-6 days
17 Low blood pressure 1 1 9-10 days
18 Dyspnea during exercise 1 1 9 days
19 Heartburn 1 1 4-5 days
20 Charlie’s horse 1 1 4-5 days

The results of the Buteyko treatment allow the following preliminary conclusions:
1. The use of the Buteyko method has resulted in positive symptom dynamics.
2. No side-effects or complications have been observed in patients with AIDS during the Buteyko therapy.
3. Regular psychotherapy that had been used earlier proved ineffective and the condition of four patients even worsened.

As a result of treatment in accordance with the Buteyko method, the following preliminary conclusions can be made:
1. The use of the Buteyko method has resulted in the positive dynamic of the clinical symptoms.
2. No side-effects or complications have been observed in patients with AIDS during the Buteyko therapy.
Medical people smiling 3. Regular psychotherapy with regular methods, which had been used earlier, proved ineffective, while the health state of four patients even worsened.

Signatures of the trial organizers:
Director of KSRIEID, vice-Academician of Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, Professor A. F. Frolov
Conductor of the trial K.P. Buteyko, MD
Executive of the trial V.A. Novosselov, MD
Physician of the AIDS Section of the Institute (KSRIEID) S.V. Fedorchenko, MD

Ministry of Health of UKRAINIAN SSR
(KSRIEID) Kiev Scientific and Research Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after L. V. Gromashevsky

4, Spusk Stepana Razina, Kiev-038, 252038, Ukraine Tel. 277-37-11

HIV-AIDS virus attacks a human cell An official letter to the Deputy Minister of Health
of the Ukrainian SSR Mr. V. I. Shestakov
Conclusions about the results of a clinical trial
of the Buteyko method on AIDS patients

As a result of treatment in accordance with the Buteyko method in KSRIEID from January 08, 1991 to March 31, 1991, the following results were confirmed:
1. The use of the Buteyko method has resulted in improvements in clinical symptoms.
2. No side-effects or complications have been observed in patients with AIDS during the Buteyko therapy.
3. It is sensible to continue careful observations and laboratory investigations of AIDS patients and recommend the Buteyko method for further testing.
4. Regular psychotherapy that had been used earlier proved ineffective, and the health state of four patients even worsened.

Signed by Director of KSRIEID, vice-Academician of Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, Professor A. F. Frolov

/Translated by Artour Rakhimov, PhD

Summary of findings in relation to HIV-AIDS

While testing and successfully treating HIV-AIDS patients, Russian and Ukrainian doctors found that the clinical picture in people with HIV-AIDS correlates well with the results of their DIY body-oxygen test. This makes total sense since low cell oxygenation suppresses the immune system. Therefore, correction of abnormal breathing patterns (that are present in 100% of people with HIV-AIDS) is the foundation of the therapy that addresses the true cause of HIV-AIDS: tissue hypoxia.

Studies confirmed that people with HIV-AIDS have a low body O2: HIV-AIDS abstracts.

Or go back to HIV AIDS pages

Clinical References

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