Big Buteyko Book – Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health, by Artour Rakhimov

- Updated on August 31, 2023

Big Buteyko Book - Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health, by Artour Rakhimov 1By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author

PDF, MOBI, Kindle, and Paperback Options
486 pages (for the Amazon paperback version); 2014 edition

Warning. This book is intended as a theoretical and practical study for breathing teachers and practitioners who have at least 30 seconds for the body-O2 test.

Big Book display, Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health What other world’s leading Buteyko trainers and practitioners wrote about this book

… It is not just another book on Buteyko. It really fills in some gaps and addresses some real needs. I purchased one and read the first couple of chapters last night and flicked through the rest. What a fabulous resource it is. I would highly recommend it to everyone. We will definitely make it part of the required reading for the Eucapnic- Buteyko Practitioner Training Course…
– Rosalba Courtney, Buteyko teacher, Chairperson of the Buteyko Practitioners Association in Australia ( ).

This is the most comprehensive scientific work available in the west on Buteyko’s work
– Peter Kolb, Biomedical Engineer (Australia), Dr. Buteyko’s personal friend, Buteyko teacher, and creator of the largest website devoted to the .

…I have read through your book a number of times and I have come across nothing which would demand a correction. Personally, I feel that your book is very well written and is a great help for all practitioners. I would also believe that the information contained is greater than what has been available on most Buteyko practitioner training courses. I have received notes and feedback from most of them and nothing comes close. Furthermore, it is the most informative book available to date on the Buteyko Method which is published in the English language…
Patrick McKeown, Leading Buteyko Trainer and Practitioner (Ireland), author of several books about the Buteyko method

… I’ve just bought your book yesterday and I want to thank you for all the effort you took to write it. It is good stuff and helps me even better understanding the Buteyko Method. Many thanks…
Dirk van Ginneken, Buteyko practitioner, and founder of the Buteyko Institute in the Netherlands.

…I congratulate you on a really excellent and valuable addition to the fund of available Buteyko knowledge. I think the way you have properly referenced everything gives it real credibility…
– Victor Lunn-Rockliffe, artist and Buteyko student (England), who contributed to the Western Buteyko movement with his numerous drawings used for various Buteyko articles and websites.

… This is, without doubt, one of the most comprehensive and rigorous examinations of Buteyko’s work and the science behind it, in English language, available today. The book is an excellent reference for Buteyko practitioners and medically trained people and yet is written in a style accessible to all readers. The book is required reading for all my trainee practitioners…
– Glenn White, Buteyko Practitioner/Practitioner Trainer, Buteyko Breathing Clinics New Zealand.

You can read some content of chapters of this book here: Content of big Buteyko book: Normal breathing: the key to vital health.

Buteyko Book – Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health, by Artour Rakhimov

man reading this Buteyko book - Normal breathing: the key to vital health You can read the first 109 pages (5 Chapters only) using this PDF link. The material in chapter 1 (including both Tables) can be copied and used for educational purposes, in order to promote the importance of normal breathing and the Buteyko method (please, mention the source: name of the book and its web address).

Options to get the book

1. PDF file (305 pages) from this site (buy it the “ADD TO CART” button below).

2. MOBI file (Kindle version) of the book (buy it the “ADD TO CART” button at the bottom of this article).

3. Paperback book (486 pages) from the Amazon store: Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health.

3. Kindle ebook from the Amazon store: Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health.

More about the electronic (Adobe/PDF) version that you can get from this site:
– PDF format requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
– PDF file is about 2.4 MB
– PDF file may be printed out (305 pages) or read on a computer
– Each copy purchased is a single license to print a personal copy and to install on a computer. For example, three licenses entitle three individuals to print personal copies and to install on their computers.
– Free download of Acrobat Reader

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The price of the book is 76 USD.

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Below are authentic comments, questions, and testimonials from the same page on the old PHP site before we converted it to WordPress.

On 2016-02-20T07:40:17, Artour (mod) wrote:
Advanced Exercises book is more recent. Exercises change, even in Russia, they had large changes.

On 2016-02-19T12:17:41, Anonymous wrote:
In this book “Normal Breathing: the Key to Vital Health” on pages 150-151 you propose two exercises with moderate and strong air hunger. If I read correctly, you have to hold your breath just “one single” time in order to get an EP which will create moderate and strong air hunger, and after that, you practice reduced breathing for 10-15 minutes.
On the other hand, in your book “Advanded Buteyko Breathing Exercises”, in the section dedicated to exercises with moderate and strong air hunger, you propose doing “several” intermediate breath holds with EP and after each EP one should practice reduced breathing for 3-5 minutes.
Why these differences in the two types of exercises?
Why just one single EP breath-hold and then 10-15 minutes reduced breathing versus several EP breath-hold followed by shorter (3-5 minutes) reduced breathings?
Are there any differences between these two kinds of exercises?
Are the effects on CO2 the same?

On 2014-06-19T11:57:02, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
Can you send me an email artour then @ and then with the price that you paid for the big book on Amazon?

On 2014-06-18T19:37:34, Aitor wrote:
Hi Artour,
I have purchased the ‘Big Book’ in Mobi format but I am not pleased with the format, it is very troublesome to navigate through. In my conditions, would it be possible to download the pdf version for free? This is my email if you want to talk about it:

On 2013-12-19T15:01:44, Artour (mod) wrote:
Unlikely, many other substances can increase the pulse but this does not mean that they are useful.

On 2013-12-19T03:43:19, Luke wrote:
Artour, the section on spices talks about why they are beneficial but does not mention the effect of increased heart rate. If you are healthy enough to tolerate spices (like chili peppers), then it increases your heart rate even while standing still. This would increase cellular respiration – just like exercising. This increases bodily co2 production – just like exercising. Since it is so similar to exercise’s effect, could this be the main secret reason spices can help increase CP over long habitual eating periods?

On 2013-11-28T08:05:06, Artour (mod) wrote:
This book is not available yet in Kindle or hard copy formats. Maybe in some weeks.

On 2013-11-28T03:45:24, Matt wrote:
Hi Artour,
I am reading all your books, and now want to read ‘the bog book’. This page gives a link to kindle, but I would prefer to download from the Kindle store (direct to my kindle, no file transfer required). I can’t find this book in the Kindle store (but all your others are there). (Actually, I would best like a hard copy!!)

On 2013-08-17T07:59:25, Artour (mod) wrote:
It is a complete book.

On 2013-08-16T10:18:33, Alastair wrote:

Mr. Artour, this book only has 146 pages, is it complete or not?