- Updated on August 31, 2023
By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health Educator and Author
Advanced Buteyko Exercises for Breathing (Kindle and PDF Book)
This digital and paperback book “Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises” (completed in April 2013) is advanced, in comparison with standard Buteyko reduced breathing exercises, in the following areas (in italics):
– It describes relaxed breathing exercises for people with hypertension and panic attacks who are often unable to safely do breath holds and practice ordinary Buteyko reduced breathing exercises with a light air hunger due to worsened symptoms related to these health problems (increased blood pressure and a sensation of panic, respectively).
– The book explains how to gradually and safely proceed from easy Buteyko breathing exercises to its more advanced types, such as breathing exercises with a stronger degree of air hunger.
– Chapter 4 provides practical scripts for the use of imagery and visualization during Buteyko exercises.
– The book explains optimum and maximum durations for breathing sessions, and the phenomenon of overtraining due to Buteyko breathing exercises providing examples and steps for recovery.
– Chapter 5 of the book explains a very rare phenomenon of lost CO2 sensitivity. This Chapter has a detailed comparison of this phenomenon with physiological effects related to the blunted CO2 sensitivity. The book provides practical step-by-step instructions on how to overcome both of these health problems with lifestyle changes and other techniques.
– The book describes detailed instructions for the application of Buteyko exercises during physical exercise, including walking and more intensive types of physical exercise, such as jogging.
– Chapter 6 describes the “click effect” that leads to a nearly instantaneous transition to a much higher CP with very light breathing and no air hunger. For some (lucky) students, the click effect helps to quickly breakthrough 40 s morning CP threshold and achieve immediate and significant physiological changes related to these health zones.
Some of these advanced details of the book are not covered in most courses for Buteyko practitioners and are unknown to most Buteyko practitioners.
Content of the book “Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises”
You can read the first part of this book and its full content in a downloadable PDF format here: Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises (short).
To purchase the Kindle version of the book from Amazon.com, click here: “Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises“.
Here is a video trailer of this book from YouTube: Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises.
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You can find details on this page: How to pay and open your books. Short summary: use your credit card and open the book with your email address as the password.
The price of the PDF book is 12 USD.
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Below are authentic comments, questions, and testimonials from the same page on the old PHP site before we converted it to WordPress.
On 2015-03-23T06:50:03, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
It depends on individual factors. That is the reason why there is a book.
On 2015-03-22T17:23:24, Anonymous wrote:
Can you explain which breathing exercises for anxiety, please?
On 2015-03-08T08:55:12, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
Generally, it is 21, but with tricks, one can progress at up to 25.
On 2015-03-07T11:11:29, Anonymous wrote:
Now I understand what you mean, thanks a ton. For a while, I was confused when you said that both statements are correct. Well, yes they are, but maybe it would be simpler to just mention 21 C and not other temperatures. Cheers.
On 2015-03-06T09:42:49, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
Formal logic. I can write other correct sentences, like
“If T more than 29 C, it is impossible to reduced breathing…”
“If T more than 27 C, it is impossible to reduced breathing…” etc All are right
Practice and necessary condition. With 21, one would likely need a wet t-shirt and/or good fan, to reduce breath. Get less than 21 then.
On 2015-03-06T08:38:28, Anonymous wrote:
Okay. Well, yes, I don’t understand the difference then. Could you please tell me?
On 2015-03-05T17:20:00, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
Formally, both are right. You do not understand the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions.
On 2015-03-05T10:18:58, Anonymous wrote:
On page 45:
“If the surrounding temperature is 25 degrees C or more, it is impossible to reduce breathing (you may try to exercise in a wet T-shirt).”
On page 75:
“We can get benefits from breathing exercises when the surrounding temperature is no more than 21 degrees Celsius (or 70 degrees Fahrenheit). When the surrounding temperature is more than 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit), it is nearly impossible to slow down one’s breathing and increase one’s CP without special steps. […]”
So, which one is correct, 21 or 25 degrees Celsius?
On 2015-02-01T11:52:23, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
The moist nose is situational and not necessarily a bag thing.
On 2015-02-01T09:22:44, Anonymous wrote:
You say that one sign of the correct RB session is that “the nose will often become a little more moist and cold.” I also have a cold nose in the morning (because the temperature is so cool).
But isn’t this a bad thing? I thought that bad bacteria (in the nose) strive in cold and moist conditions?
On 2015-01-05T09:32:42, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
We take only one deep breath after the breath-hold, no more.
On 2015-01-04T14:58:24, Nirgelep wrote:
When extended pauses or maximum pauses are done, there is a natural tendency to gasp for air at the end of them, so it is difficult to start reduced breathing straight away. How do we cope with it? Should I try to calm down my breathing in a certain way or just let the breath follow its natural course until it resets to normal?
On 2015-01-03T09:20:53, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
If one has a negative reaction to maximum pauses, the pulse will be higher in both cases.
On 2015-01-02T22:49:19, Nirgelep wrote:
Hi, Artour.
I have a question about “how to check your reactions to maximum pauses and long breath holds”.
When I measure my pulse 2 or 3 minutes after a maximum pause, does it include RB or not?
I mean, is it: maximun pause 3 minutes rest pulse measure?
maximum pause 3 minutes reduced breathing pulse measure?
On 2014-12-10T09:51:41, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
Indoor air quality depends on personal reactions.
For general exercise effects, see http://www.normalbreathing.com/benefits-of-physical-activity.php
On 2014-12-09T18:49:22, Anonymous wrote:
How important is good air quality when doing the Steps exercise (indoors) or intensive physical exercise (indoors, like cardio, exercise bike, etc.)?
On another page (course fees page) you say:
“When teaching students, my common requirement is about 1 hour of breathing exercises and 1 hour of physical activity per day in order to move forward and achieve up to 20-25 s morning CP.”
My morning CP has been over 20 s for some weeks (lately about 22 s). After achieving over 20 s morning CP, what is your common requirement for your students to get over 30 s morning CP? (How much breathing exercises and physical exercise each day.)
Thank you.
On 2014-11-16T07:05:47, Artour Rakhimov (mod) wrote:
Breath holds are generally useful during physical exercise sessions.
Durations are individual and can be tested.
On 2014-11-15T21:40:37, Anonymous wrote:
This is a great book. Requires careful reading to really notice and grasp some of the details, but it’s really worth it. I’m feeling great after a successful session.
Are short breath holds and reduced breathing as described in chapter 8.3) okay during exercise bike training? Or after there some reasons why it’s not suitable? E.g. the exercise should be more intensive or provide body vibrations, or any other reason.) Is there a safety limit for the duration of such a session exercise bike with about 5-second breath holds every 2.5 minutes)?
On 2014-04-29T07:37:40, Artour wrote:
You can get it on Amazon in Kindle and paperback or from smashwords.com
On 2014-04-28T14:54:39, david kaziyev wrote:
It is not a comment, but a question.
I want to order the book “Advanced breathing Buteyko exercises”. I live in Israel. How it could be done?
And also do you have an electronic version of this boo?
On 2014-04-22T16:54:11, Artour (mod) wrote:
Samozdrav, Frolov or DIY.
On 2014-04-17T20:38:31, david kaziyev wrote:
What devise would you suggest I should use for high blood pressure 150/90)
On 2014-03-28T03:48:21, Anonymous wrote:
This helped me in managing my cough.. after taking 4 prescription meds that did not work at all.. I found that when I practice the breathing exercises, even when I feel the urge to cough, it subsides. And coughing through the nose stops the violent coughing because I recently found out that when we cough because I would wear a face mask when cleaning the house), we gulp in a lot of air. Thank you so much!!
On 2014-02-18T18:25:16, Artour (mod) wrote:
Intermediate breath holds in this book mean breath holds during breathing exercises: for example, at 4, 8, 12, and 16 minutes after the start of the breathing session. They are similar to the CP, EP, or MP…
On 2014-02-18T13:24:04, Michael wrote:
When you say intermediate breath holds in this book do you mean taking a full breath?
On 2013-10-10T09:42:00, Artour (mod) wrote:
It helps.
On 2013-10-09T21:16:08, Peter wrote:
Hi, just finished this book, just curious, I noticed several other Buteyko proponents, yourself excluded !!), seem to have grey, thin, weak, or no hair. What could be a possible explanation for this, shouldn’t increased oxygenation promotes good hair?
On 2013-08-17T07:58:59, Artour mod) wrote:
I do not know which way is best for you. In order to decide, you need many more details about your health and lifestyle. Most likely, you will get the most benefits if you start with devices and then learn the Buteyko exercises.
On 2013-08-16T10:01:43, alastair wrote:
Mr. Artour, please Tell me what to do.
I had previously asked you regarding purchasing your book, but you suggested me to try DIY and Frolov Device.
I have been finding it very difficult to find Frolov Device here in India.
What should I do? How should I proceed?
MY CP is around 17.
On 2013-06-18T22:28:04, john wrote:
Steps for adults were by far the best thing in the book- Very simple that everybody can do- That alone has made a huge difference in only a couple weeks-Do it 2-3x thru out the day when I walk.it gives me a huge shot of energy when I’m done.
My morning CP test has increased from 18 to around 30-35most days. The big difference I noticed is I usually need 2 big cups a coffee in the morning- Now I barely need one and if I have 2 I feel awful and my heart races. I started and used the Frolov device which I felt is easy and great- The steps for adults I added with the Frolov device helped a lot- Just wanted to say thanks -By far the best thing I ever did for my health and well being and looking to move to the next level but I like to pace myself a bit because it took me time to get use too-thx so much –
On 2013-06-10T20:20:06, Artour (mod) wrote:
Thanks. There will be a book devoted exclusively to getting higher morning CP and factors related to sleep.
On 2013-06-10T15:16:43, Glenn wrote:
Thanks for your response. The guided breathing exercises for hypertension are like a cross between Resperate and Pranayama. I do about 15 minutes a day and feel very relaxed afterward. I purchased the DIY Device book and found it to be amazingly concise and useful. All the science is laid out beautifully as are the instructions. any advice for the transition from Guided breathing to DIY?) The only problem I’m having now is mouth breathing. Everything seems fine until stuffiness occurs at about 4 or 5 AM every morning. I can clear it with the clearing technique but I do lose that sleep, normally up at 6). Mouth taping is a bit difficult do to facial hair but I suppose that could be sacrificed. Thanks again for all your advice and powerful tools for help.
On 2013-06-08T22:05:55, Artour (mod) wrote:
It is a little bit hard to tell without knowing many details related to your previous exercises and the progress you made. Resperate and pranayama could be some of the options, but Buteyko exercises, in a long run, are more effective.
On 2013-06-07T19:42:24, Glenn wrote:
I have hypertension & have been practicing breathing exercises to lower blood pressure for a number of weeks & find it very relaxing. I am interested in purchasing the book on advanced breathing methods here. Would switching methods be a problem?
On 2013-06-02T08:16:01, Artour (mod) wrote:
The book does not cover the program since it is individual and depends on where you are and what your goals are. Therefore, a good daily “dose” can vary from about 1 to 2 hours.
Yes, one can do 20 min every 2 hours.
We should not forget about physical exercise and perspiration.
All the best.
On 2013-06-02T03:02:17, Ward wrote:
A question about “Steps for Adults”. Assuming one does 20-minute sessions, would the minimum daily “dose” be 3 sessions (similar to regular reduced breathing)? Would 1 session every 2 hours be excessive? Any general guidelines or suggestions? Thanks, great book.
On 2013-05-09T13:04:47, Artour (mod) wrote:
You need to look at the content of this site before asking such questions. Your questions are answered here.
On 2013-05-09T09:25:03, Tud wrote:
So what’s the point of the book if you don’t teach everything and withhold important info? do you even teach people that are interested more that is contained in the book?
On 2013-05-09T08:51:19, Artour (mod) wrote:
I suggest you to read more about the definition of the Buteyko method:
On 2013-05-08T17:41:20, Tud wrote:
ok…so if I buy it I will get all the info you’ve learned until now about the Buteyko system or do you have something else to recommend also?
On 2013-05-08T16:49:41, Artour (mod) wrote:
Yes. It also contains topics that are unknown to over 90% of Western practitioners.
On 2013-05-08T08:06:38, Tud wrote:
Does this book contain all the breathing instructions that are taught in the Buteyko from beginning to advanced?
On 2013-04-28T01:58:33, Ward wrote:
Great book. The content is very helpful. Thanks for writing it!
On 2013-04-19T11:46:56, Artour (mod) wrote:
Probably. It is an ordinary PDF file.
On 2013-04-19T05:37:08, Frederik wrote:
Thanks for writing this book. I have one question.
After I purchase the book can I read the file in a pdf-reader? I do not have a kindle.
Kind Regards,